Putin-Trump talk transcripts can be released only if mutually agreed — Kremlin

Dmitry Peskov

PARIS, September 30. /TASS/: Transcripts of conversations between Russian and US Presidents Vladimir Putin and Donald Trump can be made public only if both sides agree to do so, and should such proposals be put forward by Washington, Moscow is willing to discuss them, Kremlin Spokesman Dmitry Peskov told reporters.

"Of course, to some extent they can only be published if it is mutually agreed — this is diplomatic practice. Overall, the diplomatic practice does not include such publications. However, should there be any signals from Americans, we will discuss them," he said, commenting on the statement made by US House of Representatives’ Intelligence Committee Chairman Adam Schiff who said that the US Democratic Party would like to obtain access to the contents of talks held between Putin and Trump.

At the same time, Peskov underlined that such requests and "all processes held around it in the US are undeniably a domestic US issue" while Russia did not interfere and is not going to interfere in this affair.

Earlier, US House of Representatives’ Intelligence Committee Chairman Adam Schiff sat down for an interview with NBC when he explained that Democrats would like to do so to ensure national security of the US and find out whether the US security was undermined by Trump looking to make personal gains for his campaign during his talks with other world leaders, particularly Putin.

A huge scandal broke out in Washington in September after rumors emerged that Trump had solicited Kiev’s help to get re-elected for a second tenure in 2020. The rumors suggested that the US leader pressured his Ukrainian counterpart to launch an investigation against Hunter Biden, son of former US Vice President Joe Biden, in exchange for Washington’s financial and military aid. On September 24, the US House of Representatives controlled by the Democratic Party announced that an impeachment inquiry had been launched against Trump on the grounds of these suspicions. Democrat Biden is currently looking as the most likely candidate to face off with Trump at the upcoming US elections.

On September 25, the White House released a transcript of the July conversation between the two leaders. It turned out that Trump did not seek an investigation against Hunter Biden. The US Department of Justice did not find violations of the national legislation or grounds to hold a further investigation or other actions regarding the contents of the conversation.