Iran, Russia and Turkey can do more to resolve Syria’s crisis: Erdogan


ANKARA, Sept 17 (NNN-IRNA) - Ankara, Tehran and Moscow should take more responsibility to bring tranquility to Syria, Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan said at the opening ceremony of a trilateral summit here on Monday.

The fifth trilateral summit on Syria crisis was held here with participation of heads of the three states- Iran, Turkey and Russia.

The trilateral meeting would focus on the humanitarian crisis in Syria, the unrest and lack of control of the Syrian Government on the northwestern city of Idlib and the Syrian refugees in particular, Erdogan noted.

He also stressed on the need to preserve the Syrian national sovereignty and territorial integrity.

“We agree completely on preserving the Syrian national sovereignty, territorial integrity, protecting tranquility in the field, and finding a lasting political solution.”

Iran, Russia and Turkey are the three guarantors of peace in Syria which has been suffering from unrest and terrorist acts since March 2011.