Turkey Urges For Full Implementation Of Idlib Deal

ANKARA, Turkey, Sept 3 (NNN-ANADOLU) – Russia and Iran should ensure the full implementation of the Idlib deal “immediately,” Turkish Presidential Spokesman, Ibrahim Kalin, stressed on Monday.

“The regime (Syrian government) should stop its attacks carried out in Idlib now,” said the spokesman, at a conference held in Turkey’s central province of Konya.

Idlib city, which has been designated as a deescalation zone, is under the supervision of Turkey and Russia, however, the Syrian government forces continue to launch operations in the area, in a “blatant violation of the Idlib deal,” said Kalin.

The Idlib deal should be implemented immediately without delay, as the solution to the Syria issue, he added, warning of a new round of humanitarian crisis ahead, if no political solution was reached.

Last Sept, Turkey and Russia agreed to turn Idlib into a deescalation zone, to prevent escalation of aggression. However, the cease-fire attempts have largely failed, as the region has constantly witnessed attacks and fighting.

Turkey, Russia and Iran are expected to hold a trilateral meeting on Sept 16, to discuss the Syrian crisis.