Russia keen to boost transit of good via Iran's Chabahar port: Official

Chabahar, Aug 16, IRNA – A Russian official stressed the importance of Iran's port city of Chabahar in connecting the Caspian Sea littoral ports to the Gulf of Oman and voiced his country's interest in boosting trade via the strategic port.

Managing Director of Russia Astrakhan special economic zone Miloshkin Sergei said that the port's strategic role in connecting the ports located by the Caspian Sea to the Gulf of Oman has convinced Russian officials especially President Vladimir Putin to use it as a route to transit goods to the other countries and the Indian subcontinent in particular.

He made the remark while inspecting the strategic port which is located in the southeastern province of Sistan and Baluchestan. Chabahar is Iran's only ocean port which also connects central Asia and the Caspian Sea littoral countries to the Indian Ocean.

The Russian official went on point out that his country is planning to invest in constructing exclusive terminals in the port's Shahid Beheshti jetty.

He hailed the ports convincing infrastructures and said it could well play an important role in enhancing relations among Iran's numerous neighbors.

The Managing Director of the provincial Ports and Maritime Organization Behrouz Aqaiee for his part outlined the capacities and potential of the existing infrastructures of Chabahar port for investors and businessmen.

He stressed that Russian businessmen face no obstacles in expanding their activities in the port.
Chabahar port, as one of the main ports in southern Iran, enjoys a strategic position as it lies to the north of the Gulf of Oman and has access to international waters.