Iran says U.S. Mideast peace plan "doomed to failure"

TEHRAN, July 23 (Xinhua) -- A senior advisor to Iran's supreme leader said on Tuesday that the U.S. Middle East peace plan for the Palestinian issue is "doomed to failure," official IRNA news agency reported.

Ali Akbar Velayati made the remark at his meeting with Saleh al-Arouri, visiting deputy chief of Hamas.

The visit to Tehran comes at an important time when the U.S. "Deal of the Century" has been set out for discussions, "but it is doomed to failure," said Velayati.

"The relationship between the Republic Islamic of Iran and the Palestinian people is deep-rooted and is getting stronger every day," he added.

On Monday, Iranian Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei said there is a need to confront the "treacherous" U.S. "Deal of the Century."

"The goal of this dangerous conspiracy is to eliminate the Palestinian identity among the people and youth," Khamenei said.