Experts praise PM for highlighting Pakistan’s stance on Kashmir issue

Trump with Pakistani Prime Minister Imran Khan in the Oval Office of the White House

PESHAWAR, Jul 23 (APP): Political and International Relations experts here Tuesday lauded the leadership of Prime Minister Imran Khan for highlighting Pakistan’s stance on the core issue of Kashmir before US President Trump and termed his visit a beginning of new era in bilateral and diplomatic relations between the two countries.

Owing to bold stance adopted by the Prime Minister during his historic visit to US, the experts said a significant change has been witnessed in the policies of world supper power towards Pakistan.
Retired Information officer, Misal Khan told APP that Pakistan and US were getting closer that was in the interest of the people of both countries. He said mediation offer of President Donald Trump on Kashmir issue was a very positive and encouraging development.

“US can bring Pakistan and India on negotiating table and play constructive role in settlement of the core issue as per wishes of Kashmiris,” he remarked.

He said India has broken all records of atrocities and human rights violations in the Indian occupied Kashmir (IoK) and time was nearer when people of the held valley will get right to self determination in accordance with UN Security Council’s resolutions.