Yemeni rebels attack Saudi airport using drones - TV

TASS, June 30: The Ansar Allah (Houthi movement) backers have attacked the airport of the cities of Jizan and Abha in Saudi Arabia using drones, Al Masirah TV channel reported on Saturday.

The Houthis said that military facilities and hangars located at the airports had been targeted by the strikes. According to the rebels, the air traffic was suspended at the airports.

The Saudi Al Arabiya TV channel reports that the Saudi coalition confirmed the attack on Jizan airport, saying that its forces managed to intercept and down the Houthi-launched drones. No attack-related damage to the airport has been reported yet. The coalition did not comment on the Abha airport attack.

On June 12, the Houthi forces launched a missile strike on the Saudi airport in the city of Abha. The missile exploded in the arrival zone, 26 people were injured. On June 14, Ansar Allah backers attacked Abha using drones, however, the Saudi anti-missile defense and the Air Forces managed to intercept five drones.

The armed confrontation between government forces and Ansar Allah groups has been ongoing in Yemen since August 2014, reaching the most active phase in March 2015 after the Saudi-led coalition invaded the country.