Bangladeshi student’s act of ‘terror’ does not make sense

 Momena Shoma

Many believe that the harsh sentencing and the following media propaganda of Bangladeshi student is directed to bring White Australians out of the psychological guilt they are facing after Christ Church Whitist terror act.

Bangladeshi student Momena Shoma has been jailed for 42 years for stabbing her host in Melbourne’s suburb of Mill Park, for what have been called by the Victorian Police and the Australian media, an act of violent jihad.

Shoma had been granted a scholarship to study at La Trobe University and came to Australia just eight days before the attack.

According to the media outlets such as ABC News and SBS, Shoma's only intention in coming to Australia was to carry out the "chilling" terrorist attack.

The story does not make sense

Reading through almost identical story published in most of the Australian news papers, one can’t help but to ask following questions;

She became radicalised in 2013. It took her 6 years to come to Australia and find a "vulnerable" and an "easy target". She could have found a lot more non-Muslim, brown, and easy targets in Bangladesh. Why does she has to come all the way to Australia. Are they drawing a parallel reason to that of Brenton Tarrant who travelled to New Zealand to find a "vulnerable" and "easy target"?, as stated by ABC news.

Student took a risk to bring a cheap quality kitchen knife (it has been alleged that the knife tip snapped off during the attack) with her from Bangladesh – like she didn’t know that they sell better quality knives in Australia. And why knife if she, as claimed, been planning this ‘attack’ for a while? She could have done a better job by buying a gun, a bow, or a sword in Australia.

She planned the attack by purchasing night vision goggles for $10. Night vision goggles are around $800, better quality will cost a lot more.

Shoma was initially housed in Bundoora where she prepared for the attack by stabbing a mattress. She moved to Mr Singaravelu's home as an emergency after the original host family expressed concern over the event. Singaravelu is taking legal action against the Homestay company, saying he was never told that Shoma had stabbed her mattress.

Roger SingaraveluShoma singled out Mr Singaravelu as her victim. Singaravelu is not a white person. He has same skin colour as Shoma, probably an emigrants from Sri Lanka or India. The so called ‘Jihadists’ anger appears to be towards Whitist or Zionist type people, and the regimes supporting those ideologies. Her ‘victim’ and his family is "generous enough to open their home to a stranger”. Why would she hurt a generous brown man, who has nothing against Muslims or Bangladeshis? Why wouldn’t she pick a White supremacist/Whitist?

It is claimed that on the morning of the attack she had downloaded a video from Islamic State's media centre, Al Hayat, entitled Flames of War. It sounds familiar – Brenton Tarrant downloaded info from Whitist sites before the attack.

Court previously heard Shoma carried out the attack to "trigger the west" (obviously prosecuter ’s statements). What is triggering the West?

Shoma stabbed Mr Singaravelu in the neck because he was "vulnerable" and an "easy target". These are the terms that were used for Whitist attacker in Christchurch.

Shoma pleaded guilty to engaging in a terrorist act for advancing of a political, religious or ideological cause. What cause did she advance except making the current negative image of Muslims worst?

"You wished to be a martyr”, said Justice Taylor. Well she is alive and couldn’t have been a martyr. Is Justice Taylor too part of this propaganda game?

So if the story being circulated in Australian mass media is not making much sense to people with common sense, then there could possibly be three reasons behind this attack

  1. Shoma is mentally unsound and her act was in that frame of mind.
  2. Singaravelu may have tried or abused Shoma sexually, and she did not knowof a better way of settling her grievances, than taking law in her own hands.
  3. A deal may have been made with Shoma behind the scenes to accept the crime as they saw it, to get a shorter sentence, with the reasons dictated by the victim and/or the prosecutors.

Its interesting to note the Australian mass media using this opportunity to balance out some of the guilt its members are going through after Brenton Tarrant’s terror act in Christchurch.

Whatever it is, the reasons given in the media does not make much sense and the 42 year jail sentence for stabbing is absolute overkill, considering the murder criminals getting shorter terms. This whole case and the story telling in the mass media itself reflects it to be part of the Whitist agenda.


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