
Parts of Sydney lockdown as Indian Delta variant outbreak grows

Wellington, Jun 25 (AP-PTI) Parts of Sydney will go into lockdown late Friday as a coronavirus outbreak in Australia's largest city continued to grow.

Health authorities reported an additional 22 locally transmitted cases and imposed a weeklong lockdown in four areas, saying people could leave their homes only for essential purposes.

The outbreak of the highly contagious delta variant was first detected last week, and 65 people have been infected.

Australia's new deputy PM casts shadow over 2050 net zero emissions ambition

CANBERRA, June 21 (Reuters) - A climate change sceptic will be Australia's new deputy prime minister after a leadership revolt in the coalition government's minor party, making it harder for Prime Minister Scott Morrison to achieve a commitment of zero net emissions by 2050.

Australia’s reliance on coal-fired power makes it one of the world’s largest carbon emitters per capita, but its conservative government has steadfastly backed the country's fossil fuel industries, arguing tougher action on emissions would cost jobs.

Australia accused of ‘excessive and unnecessary’ secrecy

CANBERRA, Australia (AP) — Australia’s suppression of information seen as pivotal to a free and open media is at the center of accusations that the country has become one of the world’s most secretive democracies.

Last week, a former Australian spy was convicted over his unconfirmed role as a whistleblower who revealed an espionage operation against the government of East Timor.

Australian police arrest man over alleged Islamic State membership

MELBOURNE, June 19 (Reuters) - A Sydney man who posted extremist rhetoric and possessed recipes for explosives has been arrested for allegedly being a member of the Islamic State group, Australian police said on Saturday.

"The man has been charged with membership of a terrorist organisation, namely Islamic State," after a seven-month investigation, the Australian Federal Police and the New South Wales police said in a joint statement.

Australian spy avoids jail in East Timor espionage scandal

CANBERRA, Australia (AP) — A former Australian spy was released from court on Friday with a three-month suspended prison sentence over his attempt to help East Timor prove that Australia spied on the fledgling nation during multibillion-dollar oil and gas negotiations.

The former spy, publicly known as Witness K, and his lawyer, Bernard Collaery, had been charged in 2018 with conspiring to reveal secret information to the East Timorese government.

Australia raises AstraZeneca safety age to 60

Canberra (Australia), Jun 17 (AP-PTI) Australia has raised the age for which the AstraZeneca vaccine is recommended to 60 from 50 after the shot was blamed for a 52-year-old woman's death last week from blood clots in the brain.

Health Minister Greg Hunt described the decision on Thursday as conservative and reflecting the relatively low risk of catching the virus in Australia.

Australians aged between 50 and 59 are now recommended to use the only other vaccine approved in Australia, Pfizer.

Australia: Local cases increase in Sydney with Indian Delta strain recorded

SYDNEY, June 17 (Xinhua) -- Locally acquired COVID-19 cases increased in Australia's largest city of Sydney after a man tested positive on Wednesday.

The state of New South Wales, with Sydney as the capital city, recorded two local cases in the 24 hours to 8:00 p.m. local time Wednesday night and one case in returned travellers from 23,145 tests conducted.

Australia: Sydney records first local COVID-19 case in more than a month

SYDNEY, June 16 (Reuters) - Australia’s most populous city Sydney has recorded its first locally acquired case of COVID-19 in more than a month, stoking concerns of a fresh wave of infections on Wednesday.

New South Wales (NSW) state said it is not clear how the unnamed man in his 60s acquired the virus, but he was a driver who occasionally transported overseas airline crew.

Australia’s highest court upholds foreign interference law

CANBERRA, Australia (AP) — Australia’s highest court on Wednesday rejected a challenge to foreign interference laws in a case that involved a U.S. conservative political organization and free speech arguments.

China has condemned the laws introduced in 2018 that are widely seen as a means of preventing covert Chinese interference in Australian politics, universities and other institutions.

People working on behalf of a foreign powers have to be publicly registered with the Attorney-General’s Department in the interests of transparency.

Australia says it’s reached a free trade deal with Britain

CANBERRA, Australia (AP) — The prime ministers of Britain and Australia are expected to confirm the broad outlines of a free trade deal Tuesday following talks in London.

The trade agreement is the first Britain has negotiated from scratch since it left the European Union. Earlier deals with countries including Japan were built on existing agreements struck by the EU.

Boris Johnson and his Australian counterpart, Scott Morrison, reached agreement on the deal during negotiations in London, Australian Trade Minister Dan Tehan said.

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