Middle East & North Africa

Israel: Our goal is to prevent Netanyahu's return to premiership; Lieberman

22 June 2022; MEMO: Israeli Finance Minister Avigdor Lieberman said yesterday that the coalition is to include legislation to prevent MKs charged with serious crimes from becoming prime ministers alongside the bill to dissolve the Knesset, Israeli media reported.

MK Yevgeny Soba of Liberman's Yisrael Beiteinu party is spearheading the bill which is support by Gideon Sa'ar of the New Hope party along with others.

Egypt Welcomes Libyan Parties’ Agreement On “Majority” Of Draft Constitution

CAIRO, Jun 21 (NNN-MENA) – Egypt, yesterday, welcomed Libyan parties’ agreement on the majority of articles of a draft constitution, reached in Cairo.

Egypt welcomes the outcome of the third round of negotiations, between Libyan parties, to reach a constitutional consensus, the Egyptian Foreign Ministry Spokesman, Ahmed Hafez, said.

The talks, hosted by Cairo, in coordination with the United Nations, kicked off on Jun 12, and concluded yesterday.

Saudi Arabian Crown Prince Arrived In Egypt To Start Visit

CAIRO, Jun 21 (NNN-MENA) – Egyptian President, Abdel-Fattah al-Sisi, received Saudi Arabian Crown Prince, Mohammed bin Salman Al Saud, last night, at Cairo International Airport, the Egyptian presidency said in a statement.

During his two-day visit in Egypt, the crown prince will discuss with Sisi, ways to enhance bilateral ties in various fields, as well as, regional and international political issues of mutual interests, according to the statement.

The Saudi crown prince will also visit Jordan and Türkiye, according to the Saudi Royal Court.

Israel Heading To New Elections After Shaky Coalition Collapses

JERUSALEM, Jun 21 (NNN-PNA) – Israel’s fragile coalition government, will vote to dissolve parliament next week, announced Israel’s Prime Minister’s Office, yesterday, sending the country to its fifth elections in three years.

Prime Minister, Naftali Bennett and his main coalition partner, Alternate Prime Minister Yair Lapid decided to present a bill to dissolve parliament, next Monday, the office said in a statement.

Algeria suspends tourism ties with Spain amid tension

20 June 2022; MEMO: Algeria suspended all tourism ties with Spain on Monday in a new escalation of tension between the two countries over the disputed Western Sahara region, Anadolu News Agency reports.

A document dated 19 June by the Algerian Tourism Ministry asked all tour operators to immediately suspend tourism relations with Spain. The document said the suspension was part of Algeria's decision to suspend a friendship treaty with Madrid.

Egypt, US Chevron agree on East Mediterranean gas exploration, transfer

21 June 2022; MEMO: The state-owned Egyptian Natural Gas Holding Company (EGAS) and the United States Chevron Corporation have signed a memorandum of understanding (MoU) to cooperate in activities of transporting, importing and liquefying the exports of East Mediterranean gas, the country's petroleum ministry announced yesterday.

The ministry added in a statement that Chevron was planning to "drill the first exploration well in its concession area in the Mediterranean Sea next September."

Cash-strapped Lebanon threatens to expel Syrian refugees

20 June 2022; MEMO: Lebanon's caretaker Prime Minister, Najib Mikati, on Monday threatened to expel Syrian refugees from the country if the international community fails to repatriate them.

"Eleven years after the start of the Syrian crisis, Lebanon no longer has the capacity to bear this burden, especially under the current circumstances," Mikati said in a speech marking Lebanon's 2022-2023 Crisis Response Plan, which is backed by the UN.

ConocoPhillips wins stake in Qatar LNG as Kaabi warns about high prices

20 June 2022; MEMO: ConocoPhillips will take part in QatarEnergy's North Field LNG expansion as the third partner, energy and commodity consultancy company, S&P Global, said.

A joint venture between QatarEnergy and ConocoPhillips will own 12.5 per cent, or half a train, in the four-train North Field East expansion project, Qatar's Energy Minister, Saad Al-Kaabi, said June 20 at a news conference in Doha.

ConocoPhillips, which has worked on Qatar LNG since 2003, joined France's TotalEnergies and Italy's Eni in the project.

Saudi Crown Prince heads to Egypt on start of tour

20 June 2022; MEMO: Saudi Arabia's de facto ruler, Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman headed to Egypt on Monday, State news agency, SPA said, starting his first tour outside the Gulf region in over three years. He will also visit Jordan and Turkiye, Reuters reports.

The Prince's trip comes ahead of next month's visit to the region by US President Joe Biden, who is expected to meet Arab leaders in Saudi Arabia after a visit to Israel, with the Ukraine conflict and regional security on the agenda.

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