
Mother, 7 children die in house fire in France

PARIS, Feb. 6 (Xinhua) -- A mother and her seven children aged between 2 and 14 died in a house fire early on Monday in France's northern department of Aisne, the local prefecture confirmed in a press release.

Just after midnight, the blaze ripped through a two-story house in the city of Charly-sur-Marne.

A firefighter could rescue a severely burnt man, who was immediately taken to a nearby hospital, the prefecture said, adding that his condition was not life-threatening.

French parliament to debate Macron’s pension reform bill

PARIS (AP) — French President Emmanuel Macron’s unpopular planned pension changes have prompted strikes and street demonstrations in recent weeks. Now, his government is facing a harsh political battle at parliament.

The National Assembly on Monday starts debating the contested bill, which would notably raise the minimum retirement age from 62 to 64. The parliamentary session comes a day before a third round of protests called by eight main workers’ unions. More demonstrations are planned for Saturday.

France, Israel agree to deepen strategic partnership

PARIS, Feb. 3 (Xinhua) -- French President Emmanuel Macron and visiting Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu agreed to deepen the strategic partnership between the two countries and strengthen bilateral relationship in all areas, the Elysee said in a press release on Friday.

During a working dinner Thursday night, Macron said Netanyahu choosing France as his first visit outside the Middle East since his appointment as Israeli prime minister shows the "closeness" between the two countries and the two people.

French city cancels conference of Palestinian activist Hamouri

31 Jan 2023; MEMO: The Mayor of the French city of Lyon, Gregory Doucet, yesterday cancelled a conference hosting French-Palestinian lawyer Salah Hamouri, to "ensure harmony" in the city.

The conference entitled "Thirty years after the signing of the Oslo Accords, a look at Palestine" was due to take place at Lyon's City Hall tomorrow.

France must raise pension age to 64, prime minister says

PARIS (AP) — France’s prime minister insisted Sunday that the government’s plan to raise the retirement age from 62 to 64 is “no longer negotiable,” further angering parliamentary opponents and unions who plan new mass protests and disruptive strikes this week.

Raising the pension age is one part of a broad bill that is the flagship measure of President Emmanuel Macron’s second term. The bill is meeting widespread popular resistance — more than 1 million people marched against it earlier this month — and misunderstanding about what it will mean for today’s French workers.

Total of 321 heavy tanks promised to Ukraine - Ukraine ambassador to France

PARIS, Jan 27 (Reuters) - A total of 321 heavy tanks have been promised to Ukraine by several countries, Ukraine's ambassador to France said on BFM television on Friday.

"As of today, numerous countries have officially confirmed their agreement to deliver 321 heavy tanks to Ukraine," Vadym Omelchenko, Ukraine's ambassador to France, said in an interview with French TV station BFM.

"Delivery terms vary for each case and we need this help as soon as possible," he added.

Omelchenko did not provide a breakdown of the number of tanks per country.

France promises to speed up handover of colonial archives and clean up nuclear test sites in Algeria

26 Jan 2023; MEMO: France has promised to speed up the handover of its colonial archives to Algeria, and to clean up the sites where it conducted nuclear tests in the Sahara Desert in the 1960s, the ministry of foreign affairs in Algiers has announced.

France repatriates 15 women, 32 children from north-west Syria camp

25 Jan 2023; MEMO: France has repatriated 15 women and 32 children from a detention camp in north-west Syria after pressure on the European country from human rights organisations.

The decision follows criticism from a UN committee that said Paris is failing to protect its citizens and is violating the Convention against Torture.

France repatriates 15 women, 32 children from Syrian Kurdish-control prison camps

PARIS, Jan 24 (NNN-AGENCIES) — France repatriated 15 women and 32 children held in Kurdish-control prison camps in northeastern Syria, the French foreign ministry said Tuesday.
“The minors were handed over to the services in charge of child assistance and will be subject to medical and social monitoring,” the ministry said in a statement.

It added that “the adults have been handed over to the competent judicial authorities”.

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