UNSC failure to condemn Israeli settlers' terroris attack in occupied Huwara reinforces chaos; Hamas

Israeli setters rampage in Huwara

3 Mar 2023; MEMO: Hamas' Basim Naim said the United Nations Security Council's failure to issue a statement condemning Israeli settlers' "terrorist attack" against Palestinians in Huwara, south of Nablus, in the northern occupied West Bank, "reinforces the law of the jungle and chaos", Quds Press reported yesterday.

"The Israeli army itself describes the settler attacks as terrorism," Naim said, holding the United States "morally and politically responsible for the lives that will be wasted at the hands of these fascists."

He stressed that the policies pursued by the United States over the past decades have deprived the region of any opportunity for security and stability.

The UN Security Council failed, in its session held on Tuesday evening, to reach a statement condemning settler attacks against Palestinians and their property in the town of Huwara.

UN sources attributed the failure to pressure from the United States to withdraw the draft resolution and threats to veto the resolution.

On Sunday night, a Palestinian was killed, hundreds were injured and dozens of homes and vehicles were damaged in attacks by settlers on the town of Huwara and nearby villages in the vicinity of Nablus.