World increasingly certain that no one is immune to West’s banditry; Lavrov

Sergey Lavrov

MOSCOW, February 3. /TASS/: Countries are increasingly convinced that no one is immune to the West’s banditry and expropriation, Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov told a meeting of the United Russia Party commission on international cooperation and support for compatriots abroad.

"As for the West, President [Vladimir] Putin has aptly called it an 'empire of lies.' The West, and this is confirmed by our contacts, has not been perceived globally as the beacon of democracy for a while now.

The US and its NATO satellites have completely undermined their reputation as reliable international partners that are capable of coming to an agreement. The understanding that literally no one is immune from expropriation and from state banditry on the part of the former colonial powers is becoming ever stronger in the world," the minister said.

Lavrov said Russia and some other states, whose numbers are growing, are consistently reducing their dependence on the greenback. "We are working together with like-minded people to transfer international settlements into national currencies, and create alternative payment and logistics systems so as not to depend on the whims and dictates of the country that has declared itself a hegemon. In general, we are working towards establishing a fairer global monetary, financial, trade and economic architecture, which objectively contributes to the fight against new manifestations of neocolonialism," he said.