Egypt calls for Israel to halt escalations in occupied Palestinian territories

Israeli Soldiers shooting

21 October 2022; MEMO: The government in Cairo called on Thursday for an immediate end to Israeli attacks in the occupied Palestinian territories and urged the international community to help calm the situation.

"Egypt is following with great concern the developments in the occupied Palestinian territories in a number of cities in the West Bank and the vicinity of Al-Aqsa Mosque over the past few days," said the Egyptian foreign ministry. "The Palestinian territories are witnessing continuous Israeli attacks and provocations, and a dangerous escalation in the intensity and pace of violence."

The Egyptian government plays a leading role in mediation between the Palestinians and Israel. Its call for the "immediate cessation of the vicious cycle of violence, attacks and provocations" was made in order to protect civilians whose lives are at risk daily. "We urge the international powers to take urgent action to calm the situation and to encourage the Israeli and Palestinian sides to resume the peace process which has been suspended since 2014."

On Thursday, a general strike paralysed all aspects of life in the occupied West Bank, including East Jerusalem. The strike was called to mourn 22-year-old Uday Al-Tamimi, who was killed on Wednesday night by Israeli forces at the entrance to the illegal Ma'ale Adumim settlement near occupied Jerusalem.

Israel had been hunting Tamimi since 7 October when he allegedly attacked an Israeli army checkpoint near Shuafat refugee camp in occupied East Jerusalem, killing a soldier and critically wounding another.