Head of military-civilian administration asks Putin to accept Kherson Region into Russia


KHERSON, September 28. /TASS/: Head of the Kherson Region’s military-civilian administration Vladimir Saldo has asked President Vladimir Putin to accept the region into Russia, as Saldo himself wrote on Telegram on Wednesday.

"The Kherson Region held a referendum on joining Russia, where over 87% of residents of our region supported the idea of uniting with our historic homeland. I would like to point out that the referendum was held in accordance with all the generally recognized principles and standards of international law. As head of the Kherson Region and based on the will of the region’s residents, I’m asking Russian President Vladimir Putin to accept the Kherson Region into Russia as a new constituent entity," Saldo stated.

"The UN Charter enshrines a nation’s right to determine the framework of state existence so our regional referendum was completely legal. Observers from various countries also pointed to the legitimacy and transparency of the voting process so no one should doubt the results of the plebiscite," Saldo noted.

A total of 87.05% of participants in the Kherson Region’s referendum on joining Russia cast their ballots in favor of the idea, while 12.05% voted against it.