Russia: Roscosmos’s Dmitry Petelin takes over as TASS bureau chief on ISS

TASS special correspondent, Roscosmos cosmonaut Dmitry Petelin

ISS, September 27. /TASS/: Roscosmos’s Oleg Artemiyev, who is also a special correspondent and chief of the TASS bureau on the International Space Station, has ceded the post to his successor in this capacity Dmitry Petelin.

"We are now in a unique situation. There are two TASS special correspondents in orbit at the same time. Dmitry, I would like you never to forget the ABCs of doing your correspondent’s job right are authenticity and efficiency. I am sure that you will be able to handle everything, especially since the TASS mascot - Inotasya - will keep you company," Artemyev said.

In turn, Petelin thanked his colleague for passing the baton.

"I will keep the flag flying and send breaking news and photos and videos from the ISS to TASS. Inotasya will see to it that I am always on time," Petelin said.

Also, Artemyev handed over the correspondent’s toolkit to Petelin, including reporting cameras, which he described as "small and large caliber service weapons."

"Keep them safe and clean," Artemyev said.

The descent capsule of the manned spacecraft S.P. Korolev (Soyuz MS-21) is scheduled to land in Kazakhstan on September 29, 2022. It will bring back from the ISS Roscosmos’s cosmonauts Oleg Artemyev, Denis Matveyev and Sergey Korsakov.

On November 17, 2021, TASS and Roscosmos signed a memorandum of cooperation to open a TASS news office on the ISS. The news agency’s first special correspondent was cosmonaut Alexander Misurkin. His mission lasted 12 days. At the moment, there are two TASS special correspondents on the orbital outpost: Oleg Artemiev, who arrived at the ISS in March, and Dmitry Petelin.