Russia’s outgoing envoy to EU says EU officials seek to continue communication with Russia


MOSCOW, September 22. /TASS/: Russia’s envoy to the EU Vladimir Chizhov said EU officials told him as he left Brussels that they want to keep open the communications lines with Russia.

"This doesn’t mean that relations with the EU ended with my departure. No. Even during my final contacts in Brussels, I heard officials express the desire to keep the lines of communication open," he said at a news conference.

"Somehow, apparently, they will go on, although almost every day, they come up with new sanctions or some stupid announcement," the diplomat said.

According to Chizhov, given today's realities, it would be "naive" to expect new talks with the EU.

"Regarding the current situation, while the period of a slow ascent, with difficulties and obstacles, unfolded until 2014, an equally slow descent began. But since February of this year, the EU has sent our relations into a free fall. It was the EU, because we, Russia, did not close a single door and did not abandon a single trek of interaction," Chizhov said.

The envoy said that Russia and the EU had a dozen and a half sectoral dialogues and today they are all put on hold.