Russia: Mobilization tasks set - what Shoigu said at Defense Ministry board meeting


MOSCOW, September 21. /TASS/: Russia’s Defense Ministry has determined partial mobilization tasks for all regions of the country. The General Staff has issued the necessary instructions regarding mobilization procedures, Defense Minister Sergey Shoigu said at the ministry’s board meeting on Wednesday.

He stressed that time was ripe to "put into practice" the experience gained during the annual strategic exercises, and to "timely and efficiently" organize for the notification of all those liable to mobilization.

He also said that all attempts by the Ukrainian army to attack near Nikolayev and Krivoi Rog had been frustrated. Over the past three weeks alone Kiev lost over 7,000 men killed and almost 1,000 pieces of military equipment. TASS summarized Shoigu’s key remarks.

Partial mobilization

"The base for the mobilization deployment of military units, military commissariats and the reinforcement apparatus are ready for mobilization. Time is ripe to put into practice the experience gained during the annual strategic exercises."

It is necessary to arrange for timely and proper notification and strengthen "measures to counteract provocations and illegal actions, as well as enhance the security of recruiting offices." Commanders in the military regions must organize "close cooperation" with the regional authorities.

Those mobilized, as follows from the presidential decree, will enjoy the status of contract servicemen and "an appropriate cash allowance." Also, in accordance with the decree, defense industries’ staff will enjoy a deferment throughout the period of employment.

"I have signed the directive. The tasks for all regions have been determined. The instructions of the General Staff regarding the procedure of carrying out mobilization measures have been given. I instruct those responsible to begin their execution."

On progress in special operation in Ukraine

The Russian military continues to liberate the territory of the Donetsk People's Republic and "will continue to conduct the special military operation until the goals set by the Supreme Commander-in-Chief have been fully achieved." To strengthen the strike capabilities the "Izyum-Balakleya group has been transferred to Donbass."

The Russian army has upset "all of the Ukrainian army’s attempts to attack near Nikolaev and Krivoi Rog."

In the past three weeks alone, Kiev has lost more than 7,000 troops killed and 970 pieces of military hardware, including 208 tanks and 245 infantry fighting vehicles, 186 other armored vehicles, 15 aircraft and 4 helicopters.

Humanitarian aspect

While the Ukrainian military continues to "use terrorist methods of warfare", deliberately shelling cities and using cluster munitions and anti-personnel mines, the Russian army "on the contrary, creates favorable conditions for establishing peaceful life in the liberated territories."

In particular, turnkey construction of three apartment buildings has already been completed in Mariupol, and another nine more will be built by the end of the year. In addition, two multifunctional medical centers have been built in Mariupol and Lugansk, and a 14-kilometer water pipeline has been laid in Volnovakha.

Russian army’s standard strength to grow

The decision to increase the standard strength of the Russian army by 137,000 starting from January 1, 2023 stems from the fact that "the US-led collective West continues its military-political course to contain Russia and its allies," and also "pursues an aggressive policy" by providing assistance to Ukraine.

The combat strength of the airborne troops continues to be built up as the basis of the rapid reaction force. Paratroopers in Ukraine have been involved in "the most complex and responsible tasks from the first days of the special military operation.".