PA calls on Norway to pressure Israel to protect two-state solution

Mohammad Shtayyeh

14 Sep 2022; MEMO: Palestinian Authority (PA) Prime Minister Mohammad Shtayyeh yesterday called on Norwegian MPs to pressure their government to protect the two-state solution.

During a meeting held in Ramallah with a delegation of 15 Norwegian MPs, headed by Ine Eriksen Søreide, Shtayyeh stressed the need to work internationally to protect the "eroding" two-state solution.

Shtayyeh told the officials that the Israeli policies of continued settlement, extrajudicial killings, detentions, daily incursions, seizure of land and the ongoing settler violence carried out under the protection of Israeli occupation forces also endangers the two-state solution.

He reiterated the importance of creating an environment that holds everyone accountable for their responsibilities in order to end the Israeli occupation and establish the State of Palestine.

The PA prime minister hailed labelling products which originate from illegal Israeli settlements, but urged the Norwegian government to take comprehensive action against settlements by boycotting them completely along with companies and institutions which operate within them.

He also called for pressuring Israel to abide by the agreements with Palestinians which guarantee the right to hold Palestinian election, including in Jerusalem.

For their part, the members of the Norwegian Parliament affirmed their country's continued support of the rights of the Palestinian people.