Arab League rejects German 'campaign of bullying' against PA president

Arab League

20 August 2022; MEMO: The Arab League on Friday rejected the German "campaign of bullying" against Palestinian Authority (PA) President Mahmoud Abbas following his "50 Holocausts" remarks.

A statement issued by the Arab League asserted that it: "Expresses its rejection and surprise at what appeared to be a German campaign of bullying against Palestine and President Mahmoud Abbas."

The statement cited that Abbas used the term "Holocaust" "to express the Israeli crimes committed against the Palestinian people," and critics took the issue "out of its proper context".

The general secretariat of the Arab League: "Denounced German reactions that went too far in an unprecedented manner and without a convincing and rational justification, demonising the Palestinians and underestimating their enormous suffering for decades."

The Arab League accused Germany of dealing with "the victim" – the Palestinians – as a: "Perpetrator and turned the real culprit, which is the occupation, into a victim."

Meanwhile, Wafa News Agency reported an official source from the Arab League sharing that the organisation: "Understands the weight of the historical legacy on contemporary German governments and the sensitivity of the Holocaust issue."