Palestine: Israel approves construction of 1,400 settlement units in East Jerusalem

Israel settlements

05 August 2022; MEMO: Israeli authorities yesterday approved the construction of 1,400 new housing units in occupied East Jerusalem.

The new units will be built in an area northwest of the occupied West Bank city of Bethlehem, bordering the East Jerusalem towns of Beit Safafa and Sur Baher, Mondoweiss reported.

The new settlements would be built on both sides of the Green Line, effectively creating a link to the existing illegal Har Homa settlement northeast of Bethlehem, and further sealing off the southern perimeter of East Jerusalem from Bethlehem and the rest of the southern West Bank.

Israel postponed approving the plan ahead of the visit of US President Joe Biden to the region last month.

About 650,000 Israeli settlers illegally live in more than 130 settlements build on Palestinian land since 1967 including in East Jerusalem.

Israel seeks to empty Jerusalem of its Palestinian residents, by imposing arbitrary measures against them, demolishing their homes and not issuing them building permits to expand or improve their homes.