Merkel presents peace prize to Jordanian King Abdullah

29 Mar 2019; DW: Jordanian King Abdullah II received the "Lamp of Peace of Saint Francis" at a ceremony in the Italian city of Assisi on Friday. German Chancellor Angela Merkel, as last year's recipient, presented the monarch with the award. 

Abdullah has been given the Catholic award for promoting human rights, interfaith dialogue and Middle East peace, and for taking in Syrian refugees fleeing the conflict in their country.

Promoting interfaith harmony

In her presentation speech, Merkel praised Abdullah for sending "an important signal in 2007 when he supported the letter sent by dozens of Islamic scholars to Christian leaders."

She also mentioned Abdullah's 2010 call for a UN "World Interfaith Harmony Week" that is now celebrated annually across the world in February. In addition, the chancellor praised Jordan for not "closing its eyes" when millions fled violence and conflict in Syria: "It (Jordan) responded to the cruelty of war with humanity, helping those who had lost everything."

Berlin Wall present

Following the presentation in the Basilica of Saint Francis of Assisi (photo above), Abdullah, Merkel and Italian Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte were to hold discussions with young people and novices.

As a present for the monastery in Assisi, the German chancellor brought a piece of the Berlin Wall as a symbol for the overcoming of divisions.

She received the prize last year for her "reconciliation efforts in favor of the peaceful coexistence of peoples." Merkel received much praise — but also vehement criticism — for opening Germany's borders to refugees in 2015...