India: Sunday provides chance to grasp ethical values in life

Kanpur: Sunday remains a day for going out to a place of interest. It can even be a mall. A family of four decided to visit a big mall falling in the precincts of Lucknow.

This was a visit boosting their perception of enjoying the holiday far from their busy life in the noisy city.

Two others, quite familiar to them, also accompanied them. They were just joining them on this casual excursion. They cleared that no shopping would be done but how could it be resisted after reaching on the spot.

All of them reached the location happily on Sunday's scorching humid afternoon. One told that it remained an experience for them like visiting a fair or exhibition.

However, all of them were looking quite happier as they contented themselves with the intake of some fast foods.

Parents always understand the sentiments of their children, two sisters pondered over the liking of buying clothes for their younger brother. How bad does it look on returning empty-handed after covering nearly two hundred kilometres of the joyful outing?

However, the men showed enough interest in buying jeans and shirts from the Mall. Their happiness fulfilled the ego.

Regardless, it will not be wrong to mention when others were attending lectures on ethics they were away. This two-hour-long programme on moral values was solely organised for imparting good lessons to the youths.

So, we can say Sunday is not only a fun day but also a day to grasp moral values.This was unquestionably not the first such programme on moral teachings, providing the most important information to lead a better life.

No one comprehends for sure, but this kind of programme probably analyses what is reasonable in life. However, the ethical standards require the normal policy of ascertaining deeds that are extremely emotional and ethical.