Palestine: PA calls on international community to stop Israel's escalating violations

Israeli Soldiers shooting

12 March 2022; MEMO: The Palestinian Authority (PA) on Friday condemned the escalating Israeli violations against Palestinians and journalists, a statement issued by the Ministry of External Affairs and Expatriates revealed.

The statement came following Israeli aggression on Palestinians and journalists in several villages and neighbourhoods across the occupied West Bank.

"The ongoing escalation is approved by both political and military levels," the statement disclosed, adding: "This is a systematic policy aimed at detonating the situation and carrying out more colonial plans to expand illegal Jewish existence in the West Bank and Jerusalem."

The PA blamed the Israeli government for: "The violations of the Israeli army and the terrorist settler militias."

It stressed that the Israeli government led by "the extremist" Naftali Bennett "is destroying all peace opportunities based on the two-state solution."

The PA's Foreign Ministry called on the international community to "immediately" move against the "escalating violations and extremism".

According to the Foreign Ministry, Israel is exploiting the Ukrainian crisis to escalate its violations against Palestinians and their rights.