Russian, Syrian jets launch joint patrols over Syria's borders

Russian Fighter Jets

24 Jan 2022; MEMO: Russian and Syrian military jets conducted joint patrols throughout the airspace over Syria's borders today, with more flights and patrols set to take place on a regular basis.

According to the Interfax News Agency which cited Russia's Defence Ministry, the aircraft used in the patrols included fighter and fighter-bomber jets, as well as early warning and control aircraft.

While they jointly patrolled the borders of Syria, generally, they notably also flew over the border at the Golan Heights, the region occupied by Israel since 1967, and which has more recently been the target of Israeli airstrikes on Iranian and Hezbollah sites.

Since Russia militarily intervened in the ongoing decade-long Syrian civil war in 2015 in support of Bashar Al-Assad's regime, it has been accused of conducting numerous war crimes and human rights violations, particularly through aerial bombing campaigns and airstrikes.

The patrols today took place only weeks after Russian jets bombed the north-western province of Idlib earlier this month, targeting and hitting towns and major civilian infrastructure sites.