Sick Palestinian prisoner 'dies of medical negligence' in Israel custody

 Sami Al-Amour

19 Nov 2021; MEMO: A Palestinian prisoner who has been held in Israeli jails for 13 years died today in what Palestinian rights groups believe is a result of medical negligence on the part of Israeli prison authorities.

Thirty-nine-year-old Sami Al-Amour from the Deir Al-Balah refugee camp in the besieged Gaza Strip, was announced dead this morning at Soroka Hospital in Beersheba after he was held at a military checkpoint for 14 hours while on his way to the medical centre.

Held since 2008, he was serving a 19-year term, and suffered numerous medical problems including blocked arteries.

The Palestinian Centre for Human Rights in Gaza said it held "the Israeli government fully responsible" for Al-Amour's death, adding that this event "reveals the inhuman measures employed against them, particularly the medical negligence and withholding of necessary treatments for hundreds of patients, especially those with chronic and serious diseases."

While Hamas said Al-Amour's death was "an Israeli crime against humanity and a violation of all international values and laws." Adding that Al-Amour had been deprived of his right to adequate medical care.

His death bring to 227 the number of Palestinian prisoners who have died in Israeli detention.