Hamas calls on Arab and Muslim leaders to oppose normalisation with Israel

 Yemeni protest against normalisation with Israel

07 Oct 2021; MEMO: The Palestinian Islamic Resistance Movement, Hamas, called on Wednesday for Arab and Muslim leaders to oppose further normalisation deals with Israel in return for "false promises", Anadolu has reported.

Responding to remarks made by Israel's Foreign Minister, Yair Lapid, the head of the Hamas Political Department Abroad, Sami Abu Zuhri, said that the movement is "extremely concerned" about Israel promoting more normalisation deals with Arab states.

Lapid was reported as saying that the US and "regional friends" are working with Israel to expand the normalisation deals with more Arab countries.

Abu Zuhri pointed out that normalisation has negative outcomes first and foremost for the countries which forge relations with the Israeli occupation authorities. The normalisation of ties between the Arabs and Israel, he added, also harms the Palestinian cause which is the main issue of the Arab and Muslim nations.

In 2020, Israel signed normalisation deals with the UAE and Bahrain; resumed relations with Morocco; and announced a normalisation deal with Sudan.