Gaza fishermen protest against continuous Israel siege

 Palestinian fishermen protest

14 June 2021; MEMO: Scores of Palestinian fishermen yesterday staged a protest against the continuous Israeli siege on Gaza, as well as the occupation's aggression on the fishing industry, Anadolu reported.

Fishermen Syndicate in Gaza organised the protest, which took place in the port west of Gaza City.

The fishermen held posters reading: "It is my right to move freely… Yes to the full lifting of the siege." They also raised the Palestine flag.

Head of Fishermen Syndicate, Nizar Ayyash, said: "We are standing today to express our rejection for the Israeli maritime siege imposed on Gaza, as well as against the repeated Israeli violations against fishermen."

Ayyash said that sailing only for six nautical miles in the sea is not enough for the fishermen to get enough fish to help them make money or even provide enough fish for consumers.

At the start of the latest Israeli offensive on Gaza on 11 May, Israel closed the sea completely. Since the end of the offensive on 21 May, Israel has opened the sea only for six nautical miles.

"Israeli violations against Palestinian fishermen are continuous," Ayyash said, highlighting that the abuses including opening fire, arresting fishermen, and confiscating or drowning fishing boats.

According to Oslo Accords reached between Israel and the PLO, Palestinian fishermen can sail up to 20 nautical miles. About 4,500 fishermen are working in this profession.

Since 2006, when Israel imposed its sea, air, and ground siege, Palestinians have not been able to access an area of more than 12 nautical miles from the shore.