Hamas: No halt to firing rockets if Israel continues to commit crimes against Palestinians

Fawzi Barhoum

12 May 2021; MEMO: If Israel continues to perpetrate crimes and violations against the Palestinian people, the Palestinian resistance groups, including Hamas, will respond and defend Jerusalem, Al-Aqsa Mosque, and the Gaza Strip, Hamas Spokesman Fawzi Barhoum has said.

The Palestinian people will "change the rules of engagement already imposed by the resistance in response to Israeli crimes and violations," he said in a statement.

"The Israeli occupation experiences many internal crises and plans to import these to the Palestinian people to get around these problems," he added.

"We have the right to respond to the Israeli offensive and protect the interests of our people as long as the Israeli occupation continues its escalation," the Hamas spokesman continued.

He reiterated that the Palestinian resistance groups have managed to coordinate their actions through the Joint Operation Rooms and responded to the Israeli crimes in highly coordinated actions.

Israel began aggression against the Palestinians in Jerusalem's neighbourhood of Sheikh Jarrah and worshipers at Al Aqsa Mosque.