India: KMC decides to remove encroachments on city roads

Kanpur: The KMC looks determined to remove encroachments along the road extending from the Jarib Chowki road to Vijaynagar road in the city area. It has now awakened from its deep slumber.

Like the city's another roads, the above-mentioned roads are also not completely protected from unpleasant encroachments.

The vehicle body makers find enough empty space to carry on their vocation on pretty wide roads.

Even the broad footpaths have not been left. Repairing and washing of vehicles like buses and trucks go on the whole long day.

Besides, the trucks and the buses are also parked on the roads within the range of five Kms. This parking hampers cleaning of the spots and smooth flow of traffic.

Running of the vehicles leads to blowing of the dust into the air which happens to be a big source of the pollution.

Likewise, parking of private buses and inter-state buses are also causing chaos thereby giving surge to jam on the road in the area falling under Fazalganj. 

Taking strict action against encroachments and jam the Nagar Ayukt A Tripathi has directed Zonal officer 5 & 6 respectively for proper action in this regard. 

It has also been made clear that a heavy fine would be imposed against violation of the rules.