Resolution soon on German court's ECB ruling: finance minister

Olaf Scholz

FRANKFURT, June 22 (Xinhua) -- German Finance Minister Olaf Scholz said on Monday that there will soon be "a resolution without drama" to the recent German top court's ruling concerning the bond-buying program of the European Central Bank (ECB).

"This is not a drama without resolution, as we will soon see there will be a resolution without drama," Scholz said while giving a keynote speech to the Frankfurt Finance Summit via videolink from Berlin.

Scholz spoke about Germany's crisis support program, saying that the focus of economic policy is now shifting from damage control to recovery.

"We are now following up Germany's largest ever crisis support program with its largest stimulus program," he said.

"We will kick-start our economic recovery with a ka-boom," the finance minister added.

He also emphasized the importance of a strong European response to the coronavirus pandemic.

Meanwhile, EU countries have already agreed on an initial support package of 540 billion euros (606 billion U.S. dollars) in April. "You must now follow up this first step with a second step to push for economic recovery. We have to be ambitious and we have to act now," Scholz said.