Israeli Patrol Shoots, Kidnaps Man In SE Lebanon

BEIRUT, May 18 (NNN-NNA) – An Israeli patrol opened fire, on Sunday, in southeastern Lebanon, along the border line, injuring a Syrian shepherd, and then kidnapped him to one of its locations, in the occupied Shebaa Farms.

A Lebanese military source and citizens from the border town of Kfarchouba, said that, Israeli soldiers opened fire towards Mohamed Nour El-Din Abdel-Azim, while he was grazing a herd of cattle near the Shebaa Farms.

The sources added that, an Israeli infantry force later crossed the border and moved the wounded man to the Shebaa Farms.

A Lebanese security source, said that, the Lebanese army has complained to the United Nations Interim Forces in Lebanon (UNIFIL), about the Israeli breach and demanded the return of the wounded Syrian national, while a joint team of the Lebanese army and UNIFIL has started investigations into the incident.