U.S. Aircraft Sets Fire To Wheat Crops In NE Syria

 US forces burn wheat farm in Syria

DAMASCUS, May 18 (NNN-SANA) – A U.S. aircraft dropped thermal balloons over agricultural lands in Syria’s northeastern province of Hasakah on Sunday, setting fire to wheat crops.

The targeted area was in agricultural lands, in the countryside of Shaddadi city, in the southern countryside of Hasakah.

The fire gutted 200 dunums (0.2 square km) of wheat fields.

The report said, the U.S. planes fly on a low altitude, very close to the people’s homes, in the agricultural fields, causing panic and fear among civilians, particularly children.

During its illegal presence, the U.S. forces established bases in several areas in northeastern Syria, supplying them with weapons and logistic equipment, through the illegal crossings with Iraq, to reinforce their presence, and steal Syrian oil, resources, and major crops.