India: Migrant woman gives birth on her way home then walks 160 KM

 Migrant worker gives birth on way home

Nashik; 15 May 2020 (UMM): Wife of a migrant worker has given birth on her way home then continued walking 160 Km with her newborn baby.

Woman was walking with her husband and their four other children from the city of Nashik to the town of Satna when her journey was interrupted due to labour pain.

"She just rested for about one and a half to two hours after she delivered. The family had no money, no means of transport, no one was giving them a lift," Kavita Kanesh, an official at a checkpoint in Madhya Pradesh, told CNN.

According to CNN, the family had left Nashik because they had no place to live and the country's coronavirus lockdown had left them without any means to earn money.

Thousands of migrant workers have attempted to leave Indian cities and return to their migrant villages since the country's coronavirus restrictions came into effect.

Due to widespread closures of public transport, some have been forced to make the journeys on foot, reported CNN.