Analyses of five years of Modi government in India

Narendra Modi

by Seema Khan

In 2014 a new India was promised by Mr Modi. “Vikas” was the buzz word. Miracles were expected.

India would be transferred into a developed nation. “Saba kasath sab ka vikas” was the slogan.

Ram mandir, Ganga cleaning, 2 crore jobs, 100 smart cites, 15 lakh in every account to name a few were other promises made by BJP, that echoed like never before.

Five years have passed since then. The big question echoing now is where does India stand after 5 years of BJP rule, or Modi rule?

Indians were hypnotised by Narender Modi. But are they still under the same spell?

Looking back before Modi took over; India was the fastest growing economy under Dr.Manmohan Singh. Real estate sector was booming and was the biggest employer. When the world was reeling with recession, India remained unaffected, with steady economic growth.

But in five years of Modi rule, the economic situation started deteriorating, with the Real state sector being first to be shattered. Prices of real estate properties went all time low and the many people servicing that industry thrown out of jobs. Hundreds of thousands of jobs were lost. Property prices crashed and the property investors lost lot of money.

Then there was the demonetisation. The idea was supported by the public until its implementation started showing serious short and long time distress. Rural economy was almost destroyed by demonetisation, resulting a further loss of jobs in the rural areas.

Manufacturing sector is stagnating at 16% of GDP. Total employment has fallen to 6.7%. According to (NSSO) national sample survey data India is now suffering from highest unemployment ratein last 45 years. BJP led government’s Union Minister Nitin Gadkari came out to say that unemployment is the biggest of the major problems facing the country.

Unemployment and powerty has increased the gap between rich and poor. India has now highest income inequality in 80 years according to Credit Suisse Report.

Global Wealth Report, says that India is world’s second most unequal country. Thanks to Modi’s crony capitalist policies.

Agrarian distress is at its peak, causing worst farmer suicides in last 5 years. WPI data (Whole Sale Price Index) shows that Indian farmers suffered worst price crash in last 18 years. Mr Modi failed to give 50% of the cost of production. Farmers have no access to easy credit, and the government has totally failed on its promise on MSP (MINIUM SUPPORT PRICE) which was an election promise.

On hunger index has also deteriorated. Poverty has not come down. 2.5 million have no access to health care and education. There are some great plans like Pradhan Mantri Jan Dhanygona, but there is nothing on ground. Great plans but no implementation.

India is a country with a huge number of unemployed young people, who have nothing to do. This situation has led to an increase in the criminal and anti-social activities. Some of these unemployed, with the encouragement of the BJP leaders, started forming ‘cow vigilanty groups’, targeting mainly Muslims involved in beef and small scale dairy business. Cow related lynchings by these vigilanty groups soared, and got world-wide attention.

Modi government made a lot of people to open bank accounts. As a result, 29.5 crore bank accounts were opened, but most of them lying dormant. Many of the account holders lost some of the money they had put in the account as fees and charges because they could not maintain the minimum account balance. State Bank of India has earned some 350 crores from these poor people who could not maintain minimum balance.

Banking sector is in total disarray. Non-performing assets (NPA’s) have reached 12% in public sector banks, affecting operating earnings. Their net income had plunged because their lending capacity had become so low, effecting the earnings.

The news of 12% NPA ratio in 2016 had set off alarm bells among investors who responded by fleeing public sector banks bringing their prices to such low levels. Only a few years ago, medium sized private sector bank HDFC was valued as much as 24 public sector banks put together.

Soldier sacrifices rose to double from 47 to 91 in 2018.

According to Washington post, the number of Indian soldiers martyred in last four years is the highest in last  30 years.

Indian Army data says Kashmiri youth joining militancy is the highest in last 10 years.

One rank one pension was promised with in 100 days of forming the government but after 5 years, ex service men are sitting on dharna on JanterManter asking the government to fulfil its promise.

For the first time the Army, Navy and the Air Force chiefs had written a letter to the Prime Minister to look into the deteriorating conditions of the country.

For the first time in the history of India, four top judges of the supreme court held a press conference to say “Democracy is in Danger”.

For the first time in history of India with chowkidar at the helm the country, top secret defence documents were stolen from the defence ministry’s office (Rafale deal).

During the last 70 years since independence, Mr Modi is the first Prime minister who has not conducted a single press conference, proving to be the least accountable prime Ministers India ever had.

What also never happened since independent India are CBI vs CBI, and RBI vs the Government, Supreme Court vs the Government. These situations were a direct result of the BJP government  that wants to control these institutions.

It’s also the first time that the government wanted  to take control of the reserved fund of the Reserve Bank of India, resulting resignations of the two RBI Governors. The deputy governor spoke in public criticising the policies of the government for encroaching the reserved funds of RBI.

Another big promise in BJP campaigns during 2014 election was to bring back the black money from foreign banks, and deposit Rs 15 lakhs in every account. But on the contrary 10 times of that amount has exited India illegally.

Its also the first time in history of the country that so many people like Lalit Modi, Neriv  Modi.

Mehul Chouksi and Vijay Maliya stole, and were allowed to run away with thousands of crores of rupees.

Ram Mandir issue remains where it was, and Ganga still remains a dirty drain. On the contrary, according to EPI data, India has become the WORLD’S WORST COUNTRY in environmental protection (environmental protection index). 7 out of the top 10 most polluted cities in the world are in India, with Delhi, the capital, topping the list.

According to Thomas Reuters Survey India has become world’s most unsafe country for Women, which is contrary to Modi’s famous “Beti bachao Beti Padao”  poll slogan.

According  to NSSO (national sample survey office) data India is suffering from highest rate of unemployment .

The 2014 election slogan” Sab ka Saath Sab ka Vikas” has been torn apart.

Intolerance and Religious Extremism is highest in last 70 years. There is a anti Dalit movement as well ‘Cow lynchings‘. Hindu- Muslim debates on Television channels has polluted minds and polarised  religious groups like never before. Tolerance level has become almost zero.

Since of insecurity among Muslims and Dalits has increased many fold, manyt of the educated and well to do Indians have been leaving the country like never before.

Prices of Deiseal and Petrol are all time high, when international prices are low. Prices of LPG are double in what it was in congress regime, and no gas subsidy is being transferred into peoples account.

 Freedom of media and people’s opinion have been curbed like never before. You criticise the government you will be punished, or labelled as anti-national.

Its for the first time since independence people are told to prove their loyalties to the nation, and sedation laws are being used against those questioning the government.

Budgets to Defence, health care, and higher education have been drastically cut.

Institutes of higher education are being harassed. Incidents in JNU, AMU, Banaras Hindu University, Osmania University are examples of this.

In an interview, Dr Subramanium Swamy was asked about the poor performance of the BJP lead government, and what was his thought about this party winning the next election. Brutally honest and unpleasant to his own BJP party, Swamy’s answer was that the elections are not fought on the basis of employment, economic or other performance of the government – they are fought by exploiting human emotions. That’s how it was in 2014, and that is how it will be in 2019.


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