India: Absence of greenery in Jajmau stings its residents awfully

Kanpur: Situated on the banks of the holy Ganga river, Jajmau residents feel the prick of hotness owing to the chimneys popping out black soot in the environment. 

In the past days, there were chimneys and greeneries but now the situation is just the reverse. Only the blackish smoke emerges while the foliage and leafage disappeared.

It is often mentioned by the dwellers in their usual conversation. Whenever they are apprised of the cold conditions in the Cantt area they promptly point out that the place is located by the riverside. "There is no greenery in parts of Jajmau, said one man.

"But the people seem to miss that Cantt has more greenery than the arid areas of Jajmau. It is no longer covered with trees that rot the situation bitterly," maintained another person.

Only buildings are growing without a green overture in inhabited localities. "There remains some sort of utter comfort for them when the people fluctuate their eyes towards the newly developed colony in the same area. There is no dearth of green cover there," pointed out the third one.

Older dwellers maintain that when tanneries were set up in the Jajmau area, there was no lack of greenery in the area. Each tannery has enough flowers, grasses and trees.

With time those green aspects started fading and the result is before all of us. How can it be neglected that tanneries were covering large areas in the past years? "That greenery is not available presently," stressed the young man.