India: Fast-moving motors on highways remain risky to walkers

Kanpur: Right from Jajmau's Nai Chungi onwards the traffic starts since the early morning. The motorists do not care to mind passing at a fast speed. 

The foot walkers try their best in remaining on the safe side but the speedsters focus only at their momentum not their manner of driving.

Just on Friday morning one careful walker had to stop on the roadside and trotted only after the speeding car passed fastly.

He was returning from his morning walk from the park situated inside the recently developed colony with a leafy overture. 

Accompanying him a man was also too conscious of the impending dangers on the road. He kept on suggesting him to remain cautious and accurate.

When both of them came on the 150- feet road they took a sigh of relief as the density of traffic was a little lesser on the wider road at that time.

Whatever it may be, footing with one's own physical capacity has also become a tough exercise on the road these days. Vehicles  running at a fast speed is as dangerous as the pollution in the air, insanitation on the road, roaming of ferocious dogs and soot coming out of the chimneys.