India: Jajmau's leather professional selects new place for morning walk

Kanpur:Two and a half days into what had seemed like a relatively calm strolling place for the man of genial nature now appeared like an unpleasant place.

There is indeed a fine place for sucking fresh air in Jajmau area, as he maintains.

It is certainly not like Emperor Jehangir's oft repeated lines, if there is paradise on the earth it is here, here and here. But this place is not lesser than the like of that snow covered hilly territory for the professional.

He has generalized the previous location as not-so-useful for bringing ample headway in his bodily health. Sooner it pulled sufficient WhatsApp remarks and Twitter talks.

The restless mind of the leather professional has now found a new and very, very desirable spot for his morning stroll. It is not so far from his well furnished upper storey housing in the Jajmau area.

After thinking like a philosopher he thought it better to send a message on Whatsapp to whom he has revealed his utmost secret of holding morning walk. 

His message goes over like this:....the place is good option for morning walk. It is very much neat and clean. Parks are available there with good ambience.

His idea was appreciated by the person in a very favourable manner. The place, as he mentioned in his well-worded message, was perfect in every intrinsic sense of the natural bounties.

'It was even perfect in terms of the evening walk', the person responded.

It would not be wrong to say that there are people in society who search for health-improving places.

After all, there remains a need for a few puffs of healthy and pristine air and the choice is perfectly worked out by intelligent man dealing in leather products.