US spy plane downed in Yemen, Houthis claim

 Houthi army Spokesperson Brigadier Yahya Saree

21 June 2021; MEMO: The Houthis yesterday shot down a "US spy plane" in the central Marib region of Yemen, the group's military spokesman claimed.

Brigadier General Yahya Saree said on Twitter: "Air Defenses shot down a U.S. spy plane type of (Scan Eagle) with a surface-to-air missile while carrying out hostilities in the skies of Al-Mushajah area of Sarwah district of Marib governorate."

The Houthi spokesman confirmed that the operation has been documented by the military media and footage from the scene and the wreckage will be broadcast in due course.

Saree's statements came after the Arab military coalition in Yemen, led by Saudi Arabia, announced the interception and destruction of scores of drones carrying bombs, which it said were launched by the Houthis on Saturday targeting the Saudi Arabia.

The conflict in Yemen, which erupted in 2014, has witnessed bloody confrontations between the Houthis and the forces of the internationally recognised government, backed by a military coalition led by Saudi Arabia.

The armed clashes have left tens of thousands of people dead and forced about 80 per cent of the population to rely on humanitarian relief as the country suffers the world's worst humanitarian crisis, according to the United Nations.