Ukrainian forces open fire against settlement in LPR, republic says

Ukrainian army shelling

LUGANSK, July 26. /TASS/: Ukraine’s Armed Forces have shelled the settlement of Zolotoye-5 in the Lugansk People’s Republic (LPR), damaging a house, an electrical substation and a power transmission line, the LPR military spokesman said on Saturday.

According to Yakov Osadchy, the Ukrainian Armed Forces fired ten mortars of 120mm into the settlement, damaging the roof of a house. Moreover, the local power substation was hit along with the power line, which left 86 households in Zolotoye-5 without electricity.

Osadchy added that emergency teams were working at the site to restore energy supplies to the settlement.

The LPR militia downed an unmanned aerial vehicle which was helping the Kiev forces to regulate the fire on Zolotoye-5, he said adding that the LPR forces suppressed the Ukrainian forces’ firing activity.

The Contact Group seeking peace for eastern Ukraine have declared more than 20 ceasefire agreements in Donbass since the fall of 2014. At the Paris summit of the Normandy Four group held on December 9, the leaders of Russia, Germany, Ukraine and France called for a comprehensive ceasefire to be declared by the end of 2019. On July 22, the Contact Group agreed additional measures to control the ceasefire and they are to come into force on July 27.