Saudi foreign minister praises ‘deal of the century’

 Adel Al-Jubeir

14 Feb 2020; MEMO: Saudi Arabia’s Minister of State for Foreign Affairs, Adel Al-Jubeir has praised the US-drafted Middle East peace plan to resolve the Palestinian-Israeli conflict known as “deal of the century” saying it contains positive elements for negotiations.

“There are positive elements in Trump’s peace plan,” Al-Jubeir said on the sidelines of his visit to Romania on Thursday, adding that the elements “may establish the basis for negotiation between the two sides”.

However, Al- Jubeir explained that “the Palestinians have rejected this plan and made it clear that it doesn’t meet their requirements,” stressing that “it is our duty to support the Palestinians”.

The Palestinian Authority and all Palestinian factions have categorically rejected the plan for being completely biased in favour of Israel. The Arab League and the Organization of Islamic Cooperation have also rejected the plan.

The Saudi foreign ministry issued a statement after the deal was announced last month, in which it said that it appreciates the US administration efforts to develop “a comprehensive peace plan between the Palestinian and Israeli sides”, and expressed its support for direct Israeli-Palestinian peace negotiations under American auspices.

The Saudi statement indicated, at the time, that the Palestinian and Israeli parties could address any differences on any aspect of the plan through negotiations.

On January 28, US President, Donald Trump announced in a joint press conference with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu the plan in the presence of the ambassadors of the UAE, Bahrain and Oman to Washington.