Iraqi, Egyptian, Jordanian FMs meet in Baghdad to boost ties, ease regional tension

Mohammed al-Hakim, Ayman Safadi and Sameh Shoukry

BAGHDAD, Aug. 4 (Xinhua) -- Foreign ministers of Iraq, Egypt and Jordan held a meeting on Sunday in Baghdad aimed at boosting Arab relations and seeking to ease tension in the Middle East region.

The meeting discussed "the tension between neighboring Iran and the United States, and Iraq's position toward this crisis is clear as it is based on calm and reduce the escalation by adopting efforts to resolve this crisis by peaceful means," Iraqi Foreign Minister Mohammed al-Hakim told a joint press conference with his Egyptian and Jordanian counterparts.

Egyptian Foreign Minister Sameh Shoukry told reporters that his country "stands with peaceful solution and the reduction of escalation in the region."

Jordan's Foreign Minister Ayman Safadi said that "the Arab security is interconnected, and any threat to this security is a threat to all of us ... therefore, we all want to work to end the crisis and tension."

The meeting came at a time when the Middle East region is witnessing increasing tensions between Iran and the United States.