China: BRICS Summit in South Africa to be important historical milestone — Xi Jinping

Xi Jinping

BEIJING, August 22. /TASS/: The meeting of the leaders of the BRICS member countries in South Africa will become an important milestone in the history of the association and will strengthen solidarity among developing countries, Chinese President Xi Jinping said upon his arrival in South Africa, where the XV BRICS Summit is being held.

"I believe that this summit of the leaders of the member countries of the association will be an important milestone in the history of the development of the BRICS mechanism, that it will strengthen cohesion and cooperation among developing countries to an even higher level," the website of the Chinese Foreign Ministry quoted Xi Jinping as saying.

The Chinese leader pointed out that he is also ready to interact with the highest echelon of power of African states "for the sake of common development and strengthening peace in the world." The Chinese president noted that BRICS contributes to global economic development.

According to Xi, the members of the association have become "a constructive force that optimizes global governance and promotes the democratization of international relations."

BRICS includes Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa. The association’s summit is being held in South Africa on August 22-24. Russian President Vladimir Putin will participate via video link. Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov will represent Russia in person.