Human Rights

Palestine: Hundreds of Israelis storm Al-Aqsa mosque complex amid Gaza attacks

Hundreds of Israeli settlers forced their way into the flashpoint Al-Aqsa Mosque complex in occupied East Jerusalem, according to a Palestinian official.

The official with the Jordan-run Islamic Waqf Department told Anadolu Agency that the settlers entered the site through the mosque's Al-Mugharbah Gate under Israeli police protection.

He said the settlers were escorted by right-wing rabbi Yehuda Glick.

The settler incursions came amid rising tensions across the Palestinian territories over the ongoing Israeli airstrikes in the Gaza Strip.

Ten killed, including 4 children in two Israel strikes in Gaza

06 August 2022; MEMO: At least ten people, including four children aged between 9 and 11 have been killed in Israeli air strikes in northern and southern Gaza.

Since the start of the Israeli strikes on Friday afternoon, there were the most violent Israeli attacks as they also left about 40 others wounded.

Four children were among the eight people killed in a strike in Jabalia refugee camp in the north of the Gaza Strip.

Saudi Arabia condemns Israeli attacks on Gaza- calls for protection of civilians

06 August 2022; MEMO: Saudi Arabia late Saturday condemned the ongoing Israeli airstrikes on the Gaza Strip, which left at least 29 Palestinians dead and dozens injured.

A statement by the Saudi Foreign Ministry said the kingdom stands by the Palestinian people, calling on the international community to "shoulder its responsibility to end the escalation, provide the necessary protection to civilians and exert all efforts to end this conflict."

Tunisia: Administrative Court rejects 2 appeals against Constitution referendum results

06 August 2022; MEMO: The Administrative Court in Tunisia announced the issuance of two first instance judgements about the appeals against the results of the 25 July referendum. The judgements ruled on rejecting the appeal submitted by the I Watch organisation and accepting the appeal submitted by the Echaâb Yourid party in form and rejecting it in merit.

This came in a statement on Fridayby the court published on its Facebook page.

Turkiye, Pakistan condemn Israeli airstrikes on Gaza

06 August 2022; MEMO: Turkiye and Pakistan have strongly condemned Israel's airstrikes on the Gaza Strip yesterday which killed over a dozen Palestinians.

Israel yesterday launched a series of airstrikes against the Palestinian resistance movement Islamic Jihad and one of its key commanders Taysir al-Jabari, causing the group and its allies in the Gaza Strip to retaliate by firing rockets into Israel against the occupation forces.

Palestine: Gaza death toll rises to 15, wounded to 125, MoH says

06 August 2022; MEMO: The Palestinian Ministry of Health in Gaza has said that the death toll from Israeli bombing of Gaza, which has continued for the second day, rose to 15 in addition to 125 wounded, a statement said.

Among the 15 dead, the statement said, a 5-year-old girl.

The ministry stated that there is a 40 per cent shortage of equipment and basic medicines, and a 60 per cent shortage of laboratory equipment due to the Israeli closure of the Gaza crossing, which started four days ago.

Palestine: Presidency demands immediate stop of attack on Gaza

06 August 2022; MEMO: The Palestinian presidency condemned Israel's aggression against the Gaza Strip on Friday and demanded its immediate cessation, holding the occupying forces responsible for the dangerous escalation.

In a statement, the presidency called on the international community to force Israel to:"Stop its aggression against our people everywhere, specifically in Gaza, and to provide them with international protection."

Israel's offensive on Gaza continues, mediators unable to stop it

06 August 2022; MEMO:The Israeli bombardment of the besieged Gaza Strip continues for the second day, and mediators seem unable to stop it.

Early on Saturday morning, the Israeli occupation army announced it was preparing for a "week-long operation" against Palestinian armed groups in the Gaza Strip.

Israel places PA's governor in Jerusalem under house arrest

05 August 2022; MEMO: The Israeli Magistrate's Court in West Jerusalem yesterday sentenced the Palestinian governor of the occupied city of Jerusalem, Adnan Ghaith, to house arrest, Anadolu reported citing the governor's media adviser.

Marouf Al-Rifai said in a statement that in addition to house arrest, the court imposed a bail of 25,000 shekels ($7,500) on the governor and his family.

Palestine: Israel approves construction of 1,400 settlement units in East Jerusalem

05 August 2022; MEMO: Israeli authorities yesterday approved the construction of 1,400 new housing units in occupied East Jerusalem.

The new units will be built in an area northwest of the occupied West Bank city of Bethlehem, bordering the East Jerusalem towns of Beit Safafa and Sur Baher, Mondoweiss reported.

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