Human Rights

Israel approves decision to demolish school east of Ramallah

02 Nov 2022; MEMO: An Israeli court has approved a decision by Israeli authorities to demolish a school in a Palestinian village near the occupied West Bank city of Ramallah, Ma'an news agency reported yesterday.

This came as a number of Palestinian residents of the village of Ein Samiya had appealed against a previous order by the Israeli District Court in Jerusalem that stipulated the immediate demolition of the only school in the village.

Israeli army officer should face ICC investigation for war crimes, says NGO

01 Nov 2022; MEMO: A senior Israeli army officer should be investigated by the International Criminal Court for war crimes and crimes against humanity, an NGO has demanded. Democracy for the Arab World Now (DAWN) said that the Israel Defence Forces' former West Bank legal adviser, Eyal Toledano, "was responsible for the legal planning and approval of all IDF policies that violate international humanitarian law."

Palestine: almost 1,200 attacks against Palestinians by Israeli forces and illegal settlers in October

01 Nov 2022; MEMO: Almost 1,200 attacks were carried out against Palestinians by Israeli occupation forces and Israeli settlers across the occupied West Bank in October, a report by the Wall and Settlement Resistance Authority has revealed.

Book Review: Tolerance Is a Wasteland: Palestine and the Culture of Denial

by Nasim Ahmed

One of the most startling aspects of Israel's ongoing takeover of historic Palestine is how, despite the catalogue of human rights abuse, violations of international law and the practice of the crime of apartheid, the Zionist project has been able to maintain support for its cause amongst large sections of the Western liberal community.

Israel bans Palestinian farmers from their land, destroy 180 olive tre

31 October 2022; MEMO: Israeli settlers razed 180 olive trees belonging to Palestinians today in the villages of Tarqumiyah and Qaryut, located northwest of Hebron and Nablus, reported Arab48.

This comes in addition to the Israeli occupation forces imposing a ban on Palestinian farmers in Beit Furik, based in eastern Nablus, from picking olives, just hours before the farm owners were due to harvest their crop.

US releases oldest Guantanamo detainee after almost 20 years

30 October 2022; MEMO: A 74-year-old Pakistani national has returned home after spending almost two decades without charge in the notorious US-run Guantanamo Bay detention centre in Cuba.

Saifullah Paracha was reunited with his family yesterday after spending more than 17 years in custody, the foreign ministry announced yesterday.

Palestinians warn of escalation of settler terrorist attacks

31 October 2022; MEMO: The Palestinian Authority official in charge of the settlement file in the north of the occupied West Bank has warned of the escalation of settler terrorist attacks against local Palestinians, Al Quds Al Arabi has reported. "There are indications of an escalation of settler attacks, and carrying out terrorist acts against Palestinian citizens and their property," said Ghassan Daghlas.

Palestine: 'Armed fighters in Nablus inspire hope, safety, right to return': Manuel Musallam

29 October 2022; MEMO: Member of the Islamic-Christian Committee in Support of the Holy Places, Father Manuel Musallam, announced on Friday that armed fighters in Nablus inspire hope, safety, the right to return and the liberation of all Palestinian lands.

Palestinian National Initiative mourns Palestinians 'executed' by Israeli occupation forces

29 October 2022; MEMO: The Palestinian National Initiative mourned two members of Palestinian Authority (PA) security services "executed" by Israeli occupation forces at Huwwara checkpoint on Friday.

Early on Friday, Imad Abu Rashid and Ramzi Zbara were killed by the Israeli occupation forces at Huwwara checkpoint at the entrance of the West Bank city of Nablus.

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