Washington DC

Trump urges countrymen against hoarding of essential items

Washington, Mar 16 (PTI) US President Donald Trump has advised his countrymen against hoarding of essential items as reports of grocery stores being swept by panic buying due to the coronavirus crisis emerged, saying supply chains in the country are the most powerful in the world and there is no shortage of daily goods.

The US mainstream media, including newspapers and channels, on Sunday showed pictures and visuals of empty shelves in grocery stores in the country.

Trump tests negative for Covid-19

WASHINGTON, March 15 (NNN-AGENCIES) — President Donald Trump has tested negative for the novel coronavirus, his physician said, following concerns over his exposure to a disease that has paralyzed the globe.

Trump agreed to the test after coming in contact with several members of a Brazilian presidential delegation visiting his Florida resort who have since tested positive for the virus.

“This evening I received confirmation that the test is negative,” the president’s physician Sean Conley said in a memo.

US Congress limits Trump's power to wage war against Iran

13 Mar 2020; MEMO: The US Congress has passed a resolution limiting President Donald Trump’s power to wage war or take military action against Iran. The House of Representatives joined the Senate in the move by voting 227 to 186 to prevent Trump from taking any military action against Iran without Congressional approval.

US scales down military exercises in Africa due to Coronavirus

WASHINGTON, March 12 (NNN-ALLAFRICA) — One of the US military’s largest exercises in Africa has been significantly scaled down due to the threat of the coronavirus.

The massive, US-led African Lion exercises in Morocco, Tunisia and Senegal were supposed to involve 9,300 troops from eight nations. The troops would use the exercises to improve military readiness and integration, while preparing to combat transregional threats. But there was one threat African Lion organizers weren’t prepared for: the coronavirus.

Oil prices fall around 6% after US Pres Trump virus address

WASHINGTON, March 12 (NNN-AGENCIES) — Oil prices plunged about six percent Thursday after US President Donald Trump announced a 30-day ban on all travel from Europe to the United States over the coronavirus pandemic.

West Texas Intermediate slipped 6.2 percent to $31 a barrel while Brent crude was off 5.8 percent at under $34 a barrel.

Both contracts extended heavy losses from a day earlier, which came after Saudi Arabia and Gulf partner the UAE stepped up a price war by vowing to pump millions more barrels of crude.

Covid-19: US House leaders unveil coronavirus Bill

WASHINGTON, March 12 (NNN-AGENCIES) — Democrats in the US House of Representatives unveiled a broad package of proposals to help Americans affected by the COVID-19 outbreak.

The legislation would grant workers 14 days of paid sick leave and up to three months of paid family and medical leave, a summary of the Bill shows.

I feel no reason to be tested for coronavirus – Trump

WASHINGTON, March 11 (NNN-AGENCIES) — US President Donald Trump said he did not see “any reason” to be tested for coronavirus as global concerns grow about an outbreak.

“I don’t think it is a big deal. I would do it. I don’t feel any reason. I feel extremely good. I feel very good, but I guess it’s not a big deal to get tested,” Trump said after meeting Senate Republicans on Capitol Hill.

The president said he spoke to the White House physician and the doctor “sees no reason to do it. There’s no symptoms, no anything.”

US coronavirus cases pass 500 as defiant Pres Trump praises response

WASHINGTON, March 9 (NNN-AGENCIES) — The number of confirmed US coronavirus cases soared past 500 Sunday, including two further deaths, as President Donald Trump defended his administration’s “perfectly coordinated” response to the epidemic.

The surge came as medics headed to a cruise ship off the California coast to prepare passengers for landfall, and Senator Ted Cruz went into self-quarantine after shaking hands with an infected person.

Ethiopian draft report blames Boeing for 737 MAX plane crash

WASHINGTON, March 7 (NNN-AGENCIES) — Ethiopian crash investigators circulated to U.S. government agencies concludes the March 2019 crash of a Boeing Co 737 MAX was caused by the plane’s design, two people briefed on the matter said Friday.

Unlike most interim reports, this one includes a probable cause determination, conclusions and recommendations, which are typically not made until a final report is issued.

US places $7 million bounty on Boko Haram leader

ABUJA, March 6 (NNN-ALLAFRICA) — The US government has reiterated its reward of $7million (N2.5bn) for anyone with credible information that can lead to the arrest of Boko Haram leader, Abubakar Shekau.

This came as Boko Haram insurgents in the early hours of Saturday, attacked a military base in Damboa, Borno State, killing three soldiers and three policemen. 13 of the insurgents were also killed by the troops, while 47 others were injured.

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