Washington DC

Shared values between India-US are discrimination, bigotry, hostility towards refugees: Amnesty

New Delhi, Feb 24 (PTI) The shared values between India and the US are "discrimination, bigotry, and hostility towards refugees and asylum seekers", Amnesty International USA said in a joint statement with Amnesty International India ahead of US President Donald Trump's visit to India on Monday.

Trump, accompanied by his wife Melania, daughter Ivanka and son-in-law Jared Kushner as well as senior officials of his administration, landed in Ahmedabad on the first leg of his two-day visit to India.

US: Bernie Sanders set to win Nevada Democratic Caucus

Washington, Feb 23 (PTI) US Senator Bernie Sanders on Saturday was projected to win the crucial Nevada caucus, boosting his chances of being the front runner for the Democratic presidential nominee.

Multiple American media outlets declared Sanders as the winner of the Nevada Caucus for the Democratic Party's presidential primary.

US lost track of $715m in weapons sent to anti-Daesh allies in Syria

21 Feb 2020; MEMO: The US government has failed to account for nearly $715.8 million in weapons and equipment funnelled to its Syrian allies involved in the multinational counter-offensive against Daesh, according to a report released on Tuesday by the Department of Defence.

India: Trump now says 10 million people to welcome him in Ahmedabad

Washington, Feb 21 (PTI) US President Donald Trump has made yet another tall claim about the size of the crowd that will welcome him in Ahmedabad, saying Prime Minister Narendra Modi has told him that there will 10 million people to greet him on his arrival for his maiden visit to India.

President Trump and First Lady Melania are scheduled to travel to Ahmedabad, Agra and New Delhi on February 24 and 25.

US demands Saudi Arabia to release Fitaihi

20 Feb 2020; MEMO: On Tuesday, members of the US Senate called on Secretary of State Mike Pompeo to work on liberating the US citizen of Saudi origin, Dr Walid Fitaihi, who is being tried by the Saudi authorities on “politicized” charges.

“It is very important for the US Democratic and Republican administrations to free United States citizens abroad,” said a statement sent by Democratic Senators: Bob Menendez, Patrick Leahy, Chris Murphy, Chris Van Houlin, and Ron Wyden.

US Pres Trump calls for Russia to stop backing Syrian ‘atrocities’

WASHINGTON, Feb 17 (NNN-AGENCIES) — US President Donald Trump has called for Russia to end its support for the Syrian regime’s “atrocities” as he expressed US concern over violence in the Idlib region, the White House said.

In a call with Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan, Trump “expressed concern over the violence in Idlib, Syria and… conveyed the United States’ desire to see an end to Russia’s support for the Assad regime’s atrocities.”

India: Trump says it's honour that FB ranked him no. 1 and PM Modi no. 2

Washington, Feb 15 (PTI) US President Donald Trump has said it is a great honour that Facebook has ranked him number one and Prime Minister Narendra Modi number two on their popularity on the social networking site, ahead of his maiden visit to India.

President Trump and First Lady Melania Trump will pay a state visit to India on February 24 and 25 at the invitation of Prime Minister Modi, it was announced this week.

US bans Sri Lanka army chief over war crimes

WASHINGTON, Feb 15 (NNN-AGENCIES) — The United States said it would refuse entry to Sri Lanka’s army chief over what it called credible evidence of human rights violations in the 2009 finale to the civil war.

Lieutenant General Shavendra Silva, whose appointment last year drew widespread international criticism, will be ineligible to visit the United States, as will his immediate family, Secretary of State Mike Pompeo said.

US renews pressure on China to join nuclear talks

WASHINGTON, Feb 14 (NNN-AGENCIES) — The United States renewed pressure on China to join nuclear arms control talks with Washington and Moscow, seeking to overcome Beijing’s long-standing opposition to entering such a dialogue.

“China has long said it will never enter into an arms race and does not seek numeric parity with the U.S and Russia. Now is the time for China to put its money where its mouth is, and prove that it is a responsible international actor,” said a senior Trump administration official.

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