Washington DC

Pentagon now says 64 US troops injured in Iran attack

31 Jan 2019; MEMO: The Pentagon announced yesterday that 64 US troops have now sustained injuries as a result of the 8 January Iranian missile retaliatory attack on two military bases in Iraq, revising once again how many servicemen were hurt, despite US President Donald Trump initially denying any personnel were harmed and later

US economic growth slowed in 2019, hit by trade wars

WASHINGTON, Jan 31 (NNN-AGENCIES) — The US economy in 2019 expanded by the slowest rate since President Donald Trump took office as worsening trade friction undermined investment and exports, according to new government data released Thursday.

The $21 trillion economy grew by 2.3 percent compared to 2018, according to the government’s initial estimate.

Though that result remains stronger than many advanced economies, it is far from Trump’s promised target of 3.0 percent or higher.

Ex-US President Carter says Trump Mideast plan violates international law

WASHINGTON, Jan 31 (NNN-AGENCIES) — Former US Pres Jimmy Carter said that President Donald Trump’s Middle East plan would violate international law and urged the United Nations to stop Israel from annexing Palestinian land.

“The new US plan undercuts prospects for a just peace between Israelis and Palestinians,” the former US president said in a statement.

US: Pilots, flight attendants demand flights to China stop as virus fear mounts worldwide

CHICAGO (US), Jan 31 (NNN-AGENCIES) — Pilots and flight attendants are demanding airlines stop flights to China as health officials declare a global emergency over the rapidly spreading coronavirus, with American Airlines’ pilots filing a lawsuit seeking an immediate halt.

China has reported nearly 10,000 cases and 213 deaths, but the virus has spread to 18 countries, mostly, presumably, by airline passengers.

Despite pressure, US renews exemptions for Iran nuclear deal

WASHINGTON, Jan 31 (NNN-AGENCIES) — The United States extended exemptions to let an internationally backed nuclear deal with Iran go forward, even as it announced new sanctions to step up pressure.

President Donald Trump in 2018 pulled out of the accord negotiated by his predecessor Barack Obama, sending tensions soaring with Iran and leading Tehran to curb compliance, but European powers still back the deal.

Trump, White House seek to quash Bolton testimony at Senate trial

WASHINGTON, Jan 30 (NNN-AGENCIES) — Pres Donald Trump and White House lawyers pushed back on Wednesday against Democratic efforts to have John Bolton testify at the Senate impeachment trial of the president, arguing that the former national security adviser could reveal government secrets.

Senate Democratic Minority Leader Chuck Schumer said it may be an “uphill” fight to garner enough Republican support to compel the 71-year-old Bolton — seen as a potentially damaging witness to the president — to testify.

Trump signs long-awaited North American trade deal

WASHINGTON, Jan 30 (NNN-AGENCIES) — President Donald Trump on Wednesday signed the new North American trade pact with Canada and Mexico into law, pronouncing a “glorious future” for US industry.

It was another opportunity for Trump to tout successes in the midst of an impeachment trial where he is fighting charges of abuse of office and obstructing Congress. On Tuesday he announced a Middle East peace plan — rejected immediately by the Palestinians — and earlier this month he signed a truce in his trade war with China.

US deal ‘shameful and disingenuous’: Ilhan

29 Jan 2019; MEMO: US Congresswoman Ilhan Omar slammed US President Donald Trump’s “deal of the century” as “shameful and disingenuous” yesterday.

After the deal was announced in Washington in the presence of Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu with no Palestinians present, progressive politicians and anti-occupation groups condemned the so-called “peace deal”.

US developing vaccine against deadly China virus: Officials

WASHINGTON, Jan 29 (NNN-AGENCIES) — The United States said it was developing a vaccine against a deadly virus that originated in China, and urged Beijing to step up its cooperation with international health authorities.

The US government is keen to place its own teams on the ground to review the raw data and learn more about the pathogen, which has so far claimed more than 100 lives.

US says 50 troops now diagnosed with traumatic brain injury after Iran strike

WASHINGTON, Jan 29 (NNN-AGENCIES) — The Pentagon said 50 US service members were now diagnosed with traumatic brain injury after missile strikes by Iran on a base in Iraq earlier this month, 16 more than the military had previously announced.

President Donald Trump and other top officials initially said Iran’s Jan 8 attack had not killed or injured any US service members.

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