Human Rights

Over 500 Google staff rally behind colleague opposing the firm's Israel military contract

17 March 2022; MEMO: Google has come under fire for "unjustly retaliating" against an employee who objected to its contract with the Israeli military. More than 500 of its staff have rallied behind a colleague who alleges she is being pushed out of her job because of her anti-Israeli activism.

British spies allegedly complicit in CIA torture are subject to UK law

17 March 2022; MEMO: UK intelligence services who allegedly provided the CIA with questions to put to detainees being tortured at "black sites" are subject to the law of England and Wales and not that of the countries in which the prisoner was being held, British judges have ruled.

Israel forces Palestinians to close their shops in Hebron

18 March 2022; MEMO: Israeli occupation forces yesterday closed the Old City of Hebron and attacked Palestinian citizens with stun grenades, the Palestinian Information Centre reported.

Local sources said occupation forces stormed the municipality plaza, sealed off the Old City and forced storekeepers to close their businesses. They fired stun grenades to force Palestinians out of the area.

UN chief concerned about Israel law banning Palestinian family reunification

17 March 2022; MEMO: UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres yesterday expressed his concerns over a controversial Israeli law preventing the reunification of Palestinian families.

"The secretary-general has been following this long-standing issue and has taken note of the vote of the Knesset to pass a temporary order applying the law for 12 months, said Farhan Haq," Guterres' deputy spokesman, Farhan Haq, said.

India: 3 Kashmiris killed by Indian Sec Forces in Srinagar of Indian Administered Kashmir

Srinagar, 16 March 2022: Three Kashmiris were killed on Wednesday by Indian security forces in Srinagar District of the Indian Administered Kashmir, Indian officials said.

Indian security forces alleged that the 3 slain Kashmiris were involved in the recent killing of a sarpanch in Khonmoh

Indian opposition leade Rahul attacks Facebook, says its 'worse for democracy'

New Delhi, Mar 16 (PTI) Former Congress president Rahul Gandhi attacked social media giant Facebook on Wednesday and alleged that it was "worse for democracy".

Gandhi shared a compilation of news reports on Twitter, accusing the social media giant of helping the BJP reach out to voters during the elections.

"Meta-worse for democracy," Gandhi said on Twitter.

Israel confiscates Palestinian properties in occupied Jordan Valley

15 March 2022; MEMO: Israel's Yesha Council yesterday confiscated vegetables and fruits from Palestinian farmers' stalls in the occupied northern Jordan Valley, a week after they were demolished.

Rights activist, Fares Fuqaha, told Safa that the Israeli forces had confiscated "five vegetable and fruit kiosks owned by Palestinian families," adding that the stalls were demolished "six days ago".

No safety for anyone who criticises Kais Saied: Human Rights Watch

15 March 2022; MEMO: On Monday, 14 March, 2022, Human Rights Watch considered that "the imprisonment of the former head of the National Bar of Association, Abderrazak Kilani, due to an altercation with security agents during which he criticised President Kais Saied, is a new disquieting step in confiscation of civil freedoms since Saied's taking over the powers on 25 July, 2021."

Palestine: PA warns ICC of falling in 'double-standards trap'

16 March 2022; MEMO: The Palestinian Authority (PA) yesterday warned the ICC of falling in the "double-standards trap", adding that it should immediately start probing Israeli crimes against Palestinians.

A statement was issued by the Palestinian Foreign Ministry following Israel's "execution" of three Palestinians – two in the occupied West Bank and a third in the Arab Israeli city of Rahat.

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