
Israel's president speaks to Putin over Russian push to ban Jewish Agency

09 August 2022; MEMO: Israeli President Isaac Herzog spoke with Russian President Vladimir Putin on Tuesday about Russia's attempt to ban the world's biggest Jewish non-profit group, which helps Jews move to Israel, reports Reuters.

Russia's justice ministry is seeking to liquidate the Russian branch of the Jewish Agency for alleged breaches of privacy laws.

Israel to allow Palestinians from West Bank to use airport

TEL AVIV, Israel (AP) — Palestinians from the occupied West Bank will soon be allowed to travel on flights to Turkey out of an Israeli airport, the Israel Airports Authority said Tuesday.

The move is part of a series of gestures Israel says it is making to improve the living conditions of Palestinians in both the West Bank and the Gaza Strip. Critics say the measures do not address the daily humiliations of the decades-long occupation or pave the road for Palestinian statehood.

Israel DM orders military to remain on alert around Gaza

09 August 2022; MEMO: Israeli Defence Minister Benny Gantz has ordered all Israeli army brigades positioned near the Gaza envelope to remain on alert, Arab48 reported today.

During a security assessment meeting held with army commanders, Gantz said: "I issued orders for all army sectors to continue being ready."

Peace starts with Palestinians, then extends to neighbours: Patriarch Michel Sabbah

09 August 2022; MEMO: Retired Palestinian Patriarch Michel Sabbah said on Monday that peace starts with the Palestinians, then extends to neighbours and the rest of the region. Sabbah was the first Palestinian to serve as the Latin Patriarch of Jerusalem.

Russia holds Israel responsible for latest offensive against Gaza

09 August 2022; MEMO: Russia blames Israel for the latest three-day military offensive against the Palestinians in the Gaza Strip, the Foreign Ministry in Moscow has announced.

"The new escalation was caused by the Israeli army firing into the Gaza Strip on 5 August," said ministry spokesperson Maria Zakharova. She pointed out that the Palestinian factions responded to this escalation by firing rockets indiscriminately towards Israeli territory.

Israel took months to prepare for latest offensive on Gaza, analysts say

09 August 2022; MEMO: Israel took several months to prepare for the latest offensive on the besieged Gaza Strip, Israeli military analysts have said, noting it came as part of plan dubbed "Wave Breaker" launched by Israeli forces in March.

Several Israeli reports stated that the ceasefire would be temporary, adding that there will definitely be another round of strikes on Gaza.

2,000 Israelis Visited Al-Aqsa Mosque Amid Gaza Escalation

JERUSALEM, Aug 8 (NNN-WAFA) – Some 2,000 Israelis, mainly ultra-nationalist activists, visited the flashpoint Al-Aqsa Mosque compound, in East Jerusalem yesterday, sparking verbal clashes with Palestinian worshippers, the Israeli police said.

The Jewish visitors, including Itamar Ben-Gvir, a lawmaker and the leader of the far-right Otzma Yehudit party, entered the compound in the morning under heavy police guard, to mark the Jewish holiday of Tisha B’Av.

Israel's defence minister approves calling up 25,000 reservists

06 August 2022; MEMO: Israeli Defence Minister Benny Gantz on Friday approved calling up 25,000 reservist soldiers, according to a statement reported by Israeli media.

The statement, which was issued by Gantz's office, said: "Defence Minister Benny Gantz has approved the call-up of up to 25,000 reservist troops if required."

READ: Israeli forces carry out strike in Gaza

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